New Year - New Look Website
New Year - New Website and what I’ve been up to over Summer.
Belated Happy New Year all!
So you may have noticed that I’ve been bit M.I.A. on Social Media lately. I have had my reasons. Firstly - We’ve had LOTS of visiting relatives from far flung shores visiting. Following all the socialising we needed a little bit of time off to recover, tend to the garden etc etc. So, for any one that is interested, above is a little overview of my summer so far - in between all the visitors and catchups, there have been lots of dog walks, a hike up Rangitoto, a little bit of creating, a precious bead tile ♥️ made for me by my clever daughter, a birthday celebration or two, a long overdue haircut, some precious homegrown veggies and fruit harvesting, including those beautiful cherries (there weren’t many of them but oh I how proud I was of them,) some beautiful sunsets and lots of work on my website.
All the while wearing my little Sunshine Bracelet combo, because I decided, you don’t need to be born in November to wear the gorgeous sunny Citrine!
So, why the website update? Last year when I updated the website - the functionality ended up falling short for me. I wanted it to be easier to drive and maintain - both for my customers and for me. Also, the overall look was not quite what I had hoped to achieve. So, meet New Look website Take 2 🎬.
I am hoping this version allows you to browse a little easier and will provide that little bit more information that people often asked for.
I have made Wristocropedia accessible to all to save you all faffing around with a password and this little blog will contain social media posts and a bit more, to allow those who prefer not to engage in Facebook, Instagram etc , to see any posts etc that they may have missed - if they choose to.
It has taken a bit of time and now I am very keen to get back to creating a few new products that I’ve been itching to make.
Short and sweet - that’s all from me for now.
Tricia :)